Adult Scout Leader of the Year
2005 Honoree of the Queens Federation of Churches

William Melnick


William M. Melnick was born in New York City and grew up in Astoria and the Bronx. He celebrated his Bar Mitzvah (confirmation) at the Jewish Center of Pelham Bay. At DeWitt Clinton High School he was staff member of the Clinton News, the student newspaper and the Clintonian, the school yearbook as well as various school squads. In his early teen years, Bill spent a short period of time as a tenderfoot scout with Troop 900.

After an honorable discharge from the U.S. Coast Guard, he attended New York University and Pace College where he graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Bill became a travel counselor at the Automobile Club of New York, assisting clients with their individual travel needs. This employment enabled him to visit many countries, including Mexico, Hawaii, England, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Venezuela, Israel and many parts of the U.S.A.

With his marriage, Bill returned to Astoria where he and Florence still live. He joined the Married Group of Central Synagogue and eventually served as its President. He later became a member of the Astoria Center of Israel, the area’s only Conservative synagogue, which he has served in many capacities, including nine years as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Governors and as President for two years. He is currently a member of the Board, President of the ACI Social Club and Chairman of the Journal Committee. He served as Commander of LIC Post 110, Jewish War Veterans of the USA, as Commander of its state unit and a member of the national executive committee. He continues to serve the Jewish War Veterans as its Queens County and State Chairman for Scouting.

Supporting his son’s membership in Cub Pack 239, Bill served on the Parents committee and as Cubmaster. The son moved on to Pack 90 and then Troop 90 where Bill became a Committee member and Secretary. In the old Gateway District, Bill served as Scout Roundtable Commissioner, Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner and a variety of other positions. He served as chairman of the Queens Jewish Committee on Scouting. Bill has earned his Woodbadge beads, the District Award of Merit, the Silver Beaver, the Pelican award, the Shofar, and the Bronze Chai. He earned a certificate for Leadership Training and has earned Bachelors and Masters Degrees for Commissioner Science and Brotherhood in the Order of the Arrow and has been accorded many honors for his efforts in Scouting and many certificates in the Travel Industry.

He served as Chairman of the 2004 Ten Commandment Hike in Astoria, sponsored by the Federation’s Ecumenical Committee on Scouting of which he is a member. Bill received the Committee’s first Interfaith Leadership Award presented in 2001.

Queens Federation of Churches Last Updated February 2, 2005