Outstanding Leadership in Queens
2004 Honoree of the Queens Federation of Churches

The Reverend Dr. Richard E. Sturm


Richard E. Sturm is Associate Professor of Christianity and the Arts and Director of the New York program of New Brunswick Theological Seminary at St. John's University. Although the seminary's main campus is in New Jersey, for nearly twenty years there has been a vital program here in Queens. Providing graduate theological education for men and women preparing for ordination or already in ministry, NBTS is a witness to ecumenism. The school's heritage is in the Reformed Church in America, but its New York graduates, ministering primarily throughout Queens and Long Island, represent scores of denominational backgrounds. Moreover, the Queens program is unique in the cordial relationship between this old Protestant seminary and St. John's University, rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition of the Vincentians. For nearly two decades, now, Richard has served as the New York administrative director, acting as faculty advisor to all the students and as liaison between the seminary and St. John's. It has been said that his own commitment to ecumenical ministry and pastoral sensitivity help to anchor the seminary program's deep sense of Christian fellowship.

Richard came to New York City in 1970 to attend Union Theological Seminary, where he received the M.Div., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees. In his work in biblical interpretation and the New Testament, he studied under such renowned scholars as J. Louis Martyn, Reginald Fuller, Samuel Terrien, James A. Sanders, Walter Wink, and Raymond E. Brown. For years he served as Editor of the Union Seminary Quarterly Review, a respected scholarly journal staffed by Union students. At Union he tutored in New Testament and then taught as an adjunct professor at New York Theological Seminary, General Theological Seminary, and Drew Seminary—as well as at Hunter College. Before coming to New York, Richard attended Washington University in St. Louis, earning his A.B., M.A., and Ph.D. in Comparative Literature. Richard has published essays in biblical studies, worship and homiletics journals, and (scheduled for publication this year) in an Introduction to the New Testament (Chalice Press) and a book entitled Toward Tragedy: Reclaiming Hope (Ashgate Press). This is his thirty-fifth year as a teacher.

Richard's love of learning is combined with a passion for Christian ministry. In 1974 he was ordained in the Oklahoma church where he grew up, in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For over twelve years he served as the Associate Minister at Park Avenue Christian Church in Manhattan, where he was recently Moderator of the congregation and is now a Pastoral Partner and Minister Elder. Richard has also been active in the life of his denomination, serving on its General Board and the Northeast Regional Board, where he has been Moderator, as well as Representative of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on the Executive Committee of the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ.

Queens Federation of Churches http://www.QueensChurches.org/ Last Updated February 2, 2005