Outstanding Leadership in Queens
2004 Honoree of the Queens Federation of Churches

Ambassador David Molina Vizcaíno


Ambassador David Molina Vizcaíno assumed his position as Consul General of Ecuador in New York in 2003. He came to this post with broad experience in the pursuit of peace and justice.

His current position brings him into daily contact with his fellow countrymen living here in the New York area, a great many in Queens. Ministering to the multiple needs of the New York Ecuadorian community can be daunting. Apart from the customary "diplomatic" duties, there is no small amount of social work and health care that his office seeks to arrange for those in need.

David was born in Ecuador. He currently resides in Whitestone, Queens, with his wife, Mary, and three children. He received his B.S. degree in Administration and Military Science in Ecuador and is studying for his Masters in Social Sciences at the Social Science Development Institute of Ecuador at the Catholic University.

He served with distinction in the Ecuadorean Army until 2000 as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was a Training Unit Commander, Principal of the Special Forces School and a member of the Army Free Jump Team.

Internationally, David Molina participated in the Blue Helmets Peace Procession in El Salvador, was a member of the Commission of Peace Maintenance Exercises for Qualification and Evaluation in Paraguay and Puerto Rico, and a Guest Instructor for the U.S. Army, serving for 18 months at the School of the Americas, Fort Benning, Georgia.

Queens Federation of Churches http://www.QueensChurches.org/ Last Updated February 2, 2005