Do you need additional funds to support and grow your ministry?

A Ministry of Wellness
Promoting Personal & Environmental Wellness
While Raising Funds for Your Ministry

The need to develop greater financial resources for ministry is a real challenge. You know well that the church faces extraordinary costs just in maintaining and operating buildings at the same time that the cost of insurance – especially hea1lth insurance – is spiraling out of control.

The Queens Federation of Churches itself is, of course, not exempt from these same pressures. Our Board of Directors explored some fund raising opportunities to meet these challenges. The key requirement is that it provide a means of sharing the opportunity with local congregations which, we know, also need to raise additional funds for their important ministries. We also looked for it to be responsible in promoting personal health and well-being and good stewardship for the environment.

We have found such an opportunity and would like to present it to you to benefit your ministry. The Federation has partnered with a 35-year-old company that develops, manufactures and sells direct an exceptional line of consumable items which are safer, more effective and less expensive than those available elsewhere. These products promote

personal wellness while respecting care for the environment. The high quality of its line of products has created customer loyalty expressed in a remarkable 95% reorder rate each month! This is the basis for an ongoing revenue-sharing stream which benefits the church. Individuals interested in developing a home business may also participate while, at the same time, helping to generate additional revenue for the church.

The nation's largest private Catholic high school, St. Francis Prep, which is right here in Queens, recently completed a four-year test of this program. During the period of the test – which was limited to a very small number of volunteers – the School raised over $40,000.

Contact us and we will set an appointment to introduce you to the Ministry of Wellness program. You will learn how you and your congregation can take advantage of it to raise significant funds for you, your ministry, your members, and the Federation – while promoting sound environmental stewardship and the health and wellness – physical, emotional and financial – of your people!

Please indicate your desire for more information by completing the form below.
We will contact you to arrange a presentation.


Complete this form
and we will contact you to arrange
for you to attend a presentation of the
Ministry of Wellness

Introduction to the Ministry of Wellness Program

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Queens Federation of Churches Last Updated April 16, 2020