A Queens Federation Forum . . . .

The Status of our Immigrant Neighbors

Tuesday evening, May 23, 2006 • 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

at the

Grace Episcopal Church Parish House

155-24 90th Avenue (corner of Parsons Boulevard), Jamaica
Mapquest Directions

Queens is the most ethnically diverse county in the world.

And to varying degrees, our immigrant neighbors – new and those not so new – are caught in an immigration system fraught with confusion and delay.

What is the best way to "fix" our immigration laws?

The House of Representatives has already passed a bill which would declare immigrants without every piece of paper properly stamped to be felons – as well as make criminals of those who provide any assistance (employment, food or shelter) to them! The Senate has debated some different methods whereby those already here might be able to regularize their status.

In Queens, you can be sure that we have immigrant neighbors at every point on the spectrum – from full Citizenship to wholly undocumented.

How does this affect your Ministry and our common life together?

Information will be presented at this Forum by representatives of the Episcopal Migration Ministries which will describe the present set of immigration laws and procedures and an outline of the major proposals under consideration in Washington to change those laws.

Municipal Garage Parking is available directly across Parsons Boulevard.
By Subway – 3 blocks south from F train (Parsons Blvd. stop)
or 2 blocks north from E & J trains (Jamaica Center/Parsons)

Click to register for the Forum.

A freewill offering will be received.

Queens Federation of Churcheshttp://www.QueensChurches.org/Last Updated May 5, 2006